A cat or dog? This is a question which has been debated over the years. Here is another fact about dogs that can change your mind about which animal to meet. You trust your dog, but does it trust you?
Bright Side Loves Facts - Especially the Facts About Animals A recent study shows that dogs can analyze how trustworthy a person is and we want to share this information with our readers! Dogs as real detectives can explain to us whether or not to trust any other person.
The study was conducted by
Akiko Takaoka of Kyoto University in Japan. The scientist and his colleagues wanted to know if a dog would trust a person who
lied to it. The researchers divided the
experiment into 3 parts. They
wanted to know if the dog could understand whether or not the person was untrustworthy.
The group of scientists
claims that the research has a potential implication in dogs’ behavioral studies. The study tells us that
dogs prefer this world to be certain, according to John
Bradshaw with the University of Bristol.
In the experiment
, dog owners would first
point to a container with food. The dog would run to it. Then a container without food would be pointed at. The
dogs were tricked and approached the container.
It’s been previously
known that dogs would run to an object their owner would point at. Thus,
dogs are believed to be able to
understand human gestures. And if the gestures are inconsistent, the dog can become nervous and
The third time, the dogs would
not follow the pointing hand. They
did not believe the liars.
34 dogstook part in the experiment and they all showed the same results, according to the
Animal Cognition Journal.
Dogs would use their previous experience to know that a person was unreliable.
Mr. Takaoka plans to continue the experiment with wolves since they are the closest relatives to dogs. The current experiment also
proves that dogs are curious about new things.
More research
states that
dogs also control how other people interact with their owners. In an experiment, dog owners asked people for help. Afterward, the people were trying to give the dogs a treat. And the pets surprised us!
dogs wouldn’t take a treat from the people who behaved in a bad or rude way toward their owners. They
preferred to be fed by those who helped. Even those who did nothing in response to the begging were welcomed. But the rude and aggressive people couldn’t earn the dogs’ trust.
One more study reported by
Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, states that dogs clearly read the communication between their owners and strangers. In the experiment, dog owners asked 2 groups of strangers for a little help. The
dogs showed a good understanding of social rules. They
avoided the people who mistreated their owners.
It’s been proven before that
dogs are able to
read our gestures and facial expressions. Now we know more about them and they
are much more intelligent than we were led to believe! They can
decipher our gestures and can also decide if they want to follow social cues. However, studies
showthat dogs mostly live in the present without having much consideration for the past or future.
If you mislead your dog, it will not trust or obey you. If your dog doesn’t like your
friends, maybe there’s something wrong in your friendships?
How clever is your dog? Share your stories with us in the comments!
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