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Star Wars BattleFront II: EA clarifies future updates

PC PS4 One
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EA has updated its schedule for future updates of Star Wars: BattleFront II, especially to clarify the advent of unveiled material in the last E3.

If EA and Dice are currently working on Battlefield V (released on October 19), Star Wars: Battlefront II has not been separated because we reach our first birthday. Now we know what the players are waiting for next winter. In September, the title will first host a new team system with the ability to relieve the team-mate directly to promote the team team. At the same time, Clone of the 91st Mobile Reconciliation Corps and the 104th Wolfpac Battalion will make their start.

In the month of October, the arrival of normal complaint will be seen, while November will be dedicated to OB-Van Kenobi and Planet Geneosis, which will be possible to find under the control of three new vehicles, STAP, BARC Speeder. , And AT-TE Finally, counting Duku, Anakin Skywalker and Clone "Chancellor Guard" are expected for next winter, as well as for the "big scale" of the new level of the name. Presented as a non-linear sandbox experiment, he will face two teams to control the capture points, with the ultimate goal of overcoming anti-motherhood.


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